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Jan 29, 2009


Daily Power Boosters

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bestblinddate said...

What a great idea Tina... and a perfect gift! Hugs, Aletha

Gueler Wilkins said...

lol oh yeah I did not even think about it. Its been so quiet and all of a sudden I have a video running lol

Im sorry to hear you are sick again. I am luckily doing mch better. I hope you will be doing better soon, too :)

You are doing amazing work with your blog you know that?

Greetings from Germany :)

lisa said...


Thank you so much for everything that you have said. I appreciate your support and kind words. I wish that everyone could see what a difference MPM and TWCCTW has made in our lives. I will keep trying to introduce this to as many people as I can and I know you will as well.

If there is ANYTHING that you ever need, please let me know.

BTW, have you ever heard of the Katz restaurants in Houston? I know there is a Katz's deli in NY, but there are 2 in Houston as well. I always get asked if I'm related (my maiden name is Katz), and I was wondering if you are as well? I'm not related at all, and I don't even get the "family name" discount!

Hope you have a great day!

The Greatest Mall on said...

Way to go Tina!!!! That`s getting it moving and shaking!!!! Wow that is so great! I love it to MPM and dancing!lol Have not been dancing in a while but thinking it`s about time! Yeehaw!!!!

Big Z and his Mom said...

Hi there, Tina,

Well, here I am FINALLY posting to your blog . . . ;-). Thanks for your patience. I've been here a few times and then get swept away to Campers blogs, etc. I want to thank you for your posts on my blog, and your feedback and good wishes on everyone else's blog. THANK YOU. I'm so glad that you've been here all along, and BEFORE Boot Camp ever began . . . You were on the WC Clinic Calls, etc. Tina from NY is known in this company ;-).

When I first visited your blog, I was so happy to see the YouTube video of Brendan Fraser. I saw him on TV/Internet just as he passed away and I wrote his name down so that I could look up his org. What a beautiful young man, and so humble. Later, I went to view the vid again, and found it wasn't on your site any longer, for some reason.

I appreciate that you began and continued to support the Campers. Your encouragement and excitement only helped to strengthen our encouragement and excitement. Thank you . . .

Keep dancin' . . . Music and movement are definitely recipes for good health.

I'm sorry for your loss of Simba this last year. Simba sounded so very close to you.

And, I'm so pleased for Cindylin's efforts and progress in Boot Camp. You've been her best cheerleader, and it's paid off.

Wishing you continued joy and happy times as a TWCCTW Ambassador.


Elveen West said...

Tina I am posting a comment on an old blog. Never saw place to do it on main page. Take care and really do hug your family.