You Can Make A Difference!

You Can Make A Difference!
Click on my pic and see what Drives me!

Dec 9, 2008

Getting to sleep Early

I was going to write over the weekend , but I was just so sick and very busy. I called allot of my team that I have to let them know what is going on with My power mall. We are really getting to feel the power of what we can achieve with our business! I got 3 contacts today, but 3 others I gave invitations that I gave out was people that I have given a card to before. 2 of those are businesses s. I will keep going to see if they are ready. I did some follow ups and also hoping that the people that I spoke to on my team upgrade and start following the bootcamp. I also told them about the local merchant mall. If they upgrade to a world changer mall they can advertise for free. I will tell you more tomorrow. I am wiped out. I had to go food shopping today and cook for my family. My Two eldest daughters came over (my other daughter lives with me) to celebrate my husbands and eldest daughters birthday. Happy Birthday Nichole and my hubby Jerry.

Please see Brendon Fosters video. This is what is driving me to succeed!

Please Help!


The Greatest Mall on said...

Tina, It is comforting to know that there is someone out there who understands and I am going to check into that nerve block. I had a block when I had my surgery, Hope it`s not that one, hurt like heck!lol
I know there are plenty of people in my position and worse and I try and think of that everyday. You are right it is part of what drives me but by far the only thing, Again thank you and keep it up, together we really are changing the world already! Do you realize the impact we have had already? Wow being apart of something so big puts a smile on my face:)
Happy birthday Nicole and Jerry!

Cindylin Decker said...

well Tina I hope you are feeling better. I hope you did better today.

Your sister inlaw Cindylin