You Can Make A Difference!

You Can Make A Difference!
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Dec 22, 2008

Have A Very ,Very Merry, Merry To All!

Wow, I never in my life had such a great and pleasurable experience shopping for the holiday's! Did not have to go out in the cold! Did not have to deal with the crowds! Did not have to run from store to store looking to find the best prices or who had it in stock! I shopped in my mall and found the best deals. And the best way for my dollar to stretch out and save as much as possible. I bought my Amex gift card in my mall and made money not only in my mall on other purchases 2 , 3 and 4 times , but I went and bought food at the supermarket, got gas , coffee, went out to eat, went to the dollar store and what ever else I had to buy. Every time I used it I mentioned that I just got paid for using my card. Well, You actually get paid when you buy it in your mall. Then instead of going out and using cash or a credit card you use the amex gift card and ca-ching. When you buy the Amex gift card and then buy something in your mall you get paid again on your purchase. There are ways to double, tripple and yes quadrupal your earnings in your mall. Do you think you would like to save money or earn money at the same time or just keep paying full price on the same things I buy in the same stores I buy them in? oh and I do get my food and gas much cheaper than you do. Do you really like paying all that much more or would you like to do something else with that extra money that you can be enjoying. I am thinking of a really nice vacation somewhere, I can still share my power mall with people anywhere in the world , even a beautiful beach in Hawii could work for sure. When I am telling people about mpm it is not work, because I love it so much. And it helps so many. Besides, all I have to do is shop and tell and teach others to do that too! And Wella, I get paid! And my causes that I have set up for several non-profits get paid! What a beautiful thing.

1 comment:

Gueler Wilkins said...

Hello Tina,

yes, yesterday I had to work and still had the pressure on my right site. I then decided to fix a bowl with boiling water and tea which I inhaled and it really has gooten better. The pressure is gone!!! Finally!!!

Im glad you are doing better, too, though :)

Have a Merry Chritmas in New York :)